Main Page
Computer Science Department
This is the faculty-maintained homepage for the Computer Science Department at the IT University of Copenhagen. The department conducts research in all aspects of computer science, including algorithms, databases, logic, image analysis, machine learning, natural language processing, operating systems, optimization, programming languages, proof assistants, robotics, security, semantics, software engineering, type theory, verification and more, as well as a range of applications. It is responsible for the IT University's technical education programs BSc Software Development, BSc Data Science, MSc Computer Science, and MSc Software Design.
Research groups and centers
- Algorithms Group, group coordinator Rasmus Pagh
- Center for Information Security and Trust (CISAT), coordinator Carsten Schürmann
- Center for Computing Education Research, coordinator Claus Brabrand
- Data Systems Group, group coordinator Philippe Bonnet
- Machine Learning Group Machine Learning Group Website (outdated), group coordinator Rune Møller Jensen
- Natural Language Processing Group, group coordinator Leon Derczynski
- NEtwoRks, Data, and Society (NERDS) Group, group coordinator Roberta Sinatra
- Programming, Logic, and Semantics (PLS) Group, group coordinator Rasmus Møgelberg
- Research Centre for Government IT, group coordinator Jens Schmidt
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab (REAL), group coordinator Kasper Støy
- Software Engineering Group, group coordinator Yvonne Dittrich
- Software Quality Research (SQUARE) group, group coordinator Andrzej Wasowski
Information and links
- Administrative shortcuts
- Ad hoc department board meetings
- All-hands department meetings
- Computing Resources Committee
- Department faculty meetings
- DR building
- Lunch talks (informal)
- Official department description on the IT University homepage
- People in the department (drawn from Pure)
- Recommended acronyms and formats
- Study program head meetings
- Supervisors for projects and theses
- Talks and visitors
- The other ITU research departments: Business IT and Digital Design
The department's faculty is located primarily in the 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E wings of the IT University, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark. Department head Peter Sestoft, deputy department heads Louise Barkhuus (research) and Søren Debois (education).