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=== Christian Østergaard Madsen ===
=== Christian Østergaard Madsen ===
Government IT.
Public IT projects. Multichannel management and channel choice. Qualitative and quantitative studies.

=== Claus Brabrand ===
=== Claus Brabrand ===

Revision as of 20:01, 22 January 2019

This is a list of the Computer Science Department faculty that can supervise projects and theses, with a brief indication of scientific interests and possible projects.

Supervisors: Please edit your information to be valuable to students, possibly in the style of Peter S. The list of projects may be inline in this page or a link a separate one.

Alessandro Bruni


Andres Faina


Andrzej Wasowski

Programming languages, software product lines, software analysis tools.

Barbara Plank

Data science, natural language processing.

Bernardo Machado David

Security, cryptography, blockchain.

Björn Thór Jónsson

Data systems, interactive media search and exploration.

Carsten Schürmann

Security, logic.

Christian Østergaard Madsen

Public IT projects. Multichannel management and channel choice. Qualitative and quantitative studies.

Claus Brabrand

Programming languages, program analysis, CS education.

Dan Witzner Hansen

Image analysis, machine learning, eye tracking, Gaze interaction, sports analysis,

Helge Pfeiffer

Software engineering.

Jan Pries-Heje

Jens Schmidt

Government IT.

Jes Frellsen

Machine learning, bioinformatics.

Jesper Bengtson

Programming languages, logic, verification.

Jørgen Staunstrup

Kasper Støy

Robotics software.

Leon Derczynski

Data science, natural language processing.
Research interests: Fake news detection, Social media, Health analytics
Email and homepage

Marco Carbone

Concurrency, distributed systems.

Maria Paasivaara

Software engineering.

Martin Aumüller

Algorithms, Algorithm Engineering, Algorithmic Privacy & Fairness.

Mail, Website, and Projects Ideas

Michael Szell

Data science, network analysis.

Michele Coscia

Data science, network analysis.

Mircea Lungu

Software engineering.

Natalie Schluter

Data science, natural language processing.

Oksana Kulyk


Paolo Tell

Software engineering.

Patrick Bahr

Programming languages, compilers.

Peter Sestoft

Programming languages, software development, parallel programming, end-user programming, spreadsheet technology, compilers.
Email and Homepage and List of project ideas.

Philippe Bonnet

Data systems, databases, internet of things.

Pinar Tözün

Data systems, databases.

Rasmus Pagh


Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg

Programming languages, logic, semantics.

Riko Jacob

Algorithms, parallel programming, numeric algorithms.

Roberta Sinatra

Data science, network analysis.

Rosario Giustolisi


Rune Møller Jensen

Optimization, logistics.

Sami Brandt

Image analysis, statistics.

Søren Debois

Security, distributed systems.

Søren Lauesen

Software engineering, requirements.

Thore Husfeldt


Troels Bjerre Lund

Algorithms, computational game theory.

Willard Rafnsson

Security, programming languages, program analysis, verification.
Homepage, Project ideas, Mail.

Yvonne Dittrich

Software engineering.

Zeljko Agic

Data science, natural language processing.

Zhoulai Fu

Modern software analysis --- writing code to analyse code.

Automated testing --- the 21st century way to digital engineering.
